Photos by Stijn Schiffeleers
8:00-9:15 The Performance
9:30-11:00 The Dancing
Facebook Invite
[[[f f fearz. scarediktik tik tik. la axietation la. terror/mi/horror+alarmor. tfeh tfeh. panicat kat mi-phobianticalar]]]
الّلي بِيخاف مِن العَوّ بِيطْلَعْلُه
Monsters under the bed, statistics of ways one can end up dead. Insurance companies thrive; pensions are a serious drive. Armies deployed-countries destroyed. Manufactured mythical unknowns of epic proportions. Rather than excited or curious, we have become phobic: our imaginations thwarted and our common sense ridiculed.
The Zizi Show is a project by the Rocca Family. This talk show-performance-playground comes back with its latest edition entitled Jinjin Fear with Zizi. Zizi will use her charms and cast her spells, surrender to Zizi and fearless you shall be. (probably, maybe).
The Show brings supernatural interruptions and features spectacular guests and associates:
Kristina Lee Podesva is a lifelong student of the Arabic language.
Kathy Zarur Between wandering the chocolate aisle and dancing in random places, Kathy can often be found tracing the routes of fate that bring her back to her hometown of San Francisco, despite her many attempts to leave. Through her practices, she thinks a lot about exile, belonging and place.
Kareem Shihab (the monster of durbakeh) emerged from the union of an Iraqi Turkmen artist and a Yemeni Sufi lover. He is enchanted by percussive sounds across the world and has a soft spot for antique wallpaper and rough-cut lumber.
Jaju Gaussi was born to an Afghan father and Tadjik mother under a sky of stars on a floating island in Greece. As her parents are nomads she was raised all over the world. By the age of 24 she took flight lessons by the nephew of Nelson Mandela in Swaziland. She became a pilot and works for the United Africa Post. She only delivers love letters.
Victor El-Khalidi With a sense for the disturbing, Victor is currently the sole member of the Vulcan Society, a philosophical movement that aims to live by logic, reason, and compassion, based on Maui, Hawaii. He is a long-term Zizi shaper.
Shadona [Zizi’s very personal assistant] Loves the night and Grinder, she does not believe in gender roles, yet her goal in life is to find her Hercules.
Stijn Schiffeleers [on camera] is (also) a cross-eyed media producer using a careful process of inclusion and deletion to reflect on all kinds of subtleties.
The Rocca Family [آل روكّا]
Examines matters of everyday life and seeks awkwardly, trusting in humor, living as a basic practice. Six years ago, The Rocca Family traveled through space and time from the faraway (some refer to it as Jordan for highly-politicized quasi-practical reasons) and landed with their cat Rocca in San Francisco. Through its practice, in search of home—never found—perhaps, the Family used all its folkloric know-how to make friendships and talk about immigration, family, freedom and the meaning of life. The Family wishes to pay tribute to its Bay Area adventures via the Jinjin Fear with Zizi Show before it embarks on its 2017 USA Road Trip Journey Adventure Situation. http://www.roccafamily.org