Friday, November 4, 2022
7pm doors / 7:30pm reading
Celebrate the release of two new books from Roof Books by Bay Area poets, Jean Day & Jacob Kahn. Hosted by Roof Books Managing Editor, Lonely Christopher, Day will be reading from her latest collection, The Night Before the Day On Which, and Kahn from his debut collection, Mine Eclogue.
Jean Day is a poet, academic editor, and (in recent years) union activist whose involvement in the San Francisco Bay Area poetry scene spans more than four decades. Starting out as a book-wrapper/clerk for Small Press Distribution (and later as its director), she has since worked in various aspects of nonprofit publishing. She is the author of many collections of poetry, including Late Human (Ugly Duckling, 2021), The Triumph of Life (Insurance Editions, 2018), and Daydream (Litmus, 2017). She lives in Berkeley.
Jacob Kahn is a poet and editor living in Oakland, CA. He is the author of the chapbooks A Is For Aegis (DoubleCross Press, 2022) and Mine Eclogue (Dirty Swan Projects, 2019), and A Circuit of Yields (Wolfman Books, 2014). From 2016-20, he was a managing editor, curator, and bookseller at Wolfman Books, a bookstore, small press, and community arts hub in downtown Oakland. He is an editor of the poetry chapbook press, Eyelet Press, and reading series, Islet, which he cofounded with Sophia Dahlin in 2019. He works as a freelance grantwriter and copyeditor, as well as at the Berkeley Public Library.